FastCode Challenges

FastCode challenges are open to everyone and measure the time to compute and return a correct answer, not the time to create the solution. So, try your hand at crafting solutions for the following challenges.

Do the following to get started:

Good luck! If you have questions or discover a problem drop us a line at

ChallengeRelease timeAttemptsBest Time
Binary Sum2022-03-19 09:49:10221.151
JSON Count2022-03-19 09:49:10141.630
Large Products2022-03-27 14:39:45310.956
Edit Distance2022-07-01 00:00:0078413.479
Longevity2024-12-01 00:00:000
Bank Loans2024-12-01 00:00:000
Weave and Sort2022-08-01 00:00:0018142.225
Matrix Multiply2022-10-25 07:24:092618.190